Chartreuse Marauder


Heavy Petter Chartreuse Marauder earned the Heavy Petter badge
a long time ago
Fancy Medal Fancier Chartreuse Marauder earned the Fancy Medal Fancier badge
a long time ago
Angel'sTear Angel'sTear added Chartreuse Marauder as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
The Hydrophile Chartreuse Marauder earned the The Hydrophile badge
a long time ago
The_Eidolon The_Eidolon added Chartreuse Marauder as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Elena Rose Elena Rose added Chartreuse Marauder as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


Ode to a two floor tower
A two story tower, without any shine,
No doors just bare floors, how i wish it were mine.
What does one do, with two levels of space?
Whatever one wants, at whatever one's pace.
We should all have small towers,
To love and promote,
and when I visit your tower,
I will leave you a note.

>Chartreuse Marauder

I know you're there Lemon
I heard you singing "Night Cheese."