

Teleportation IV DoctorV finished learning the Teleportation IV skill
a long time ago
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Trying for one last completist badge before the end of the world. :(

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Tahli Completist DoctorV earned the Tahli Completist badge
a long time ago
bonemangrove bonemangrove added DoctorV as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Folivoria Completist DoctorV earned the Folivoria Completist badge
a long time ago


By the giants...
What grace! What beauty! Truely a sight, splendid and glorious, I see before me! I have been travelling the whole of Ur to see all it has to offer and none hold a candle to what you have so generously provided here for Glitchen like myself to view in breathless awe.

Thank you.
I certainly saw the unexpected here...
Flying cats! What a strange and magnificent place.

Though I couldn't help but notice the smell... The whole place was a bit gaseous. But then this area is known for that, isn't it. At least the gas plants are quite friendly. Everyone is, really. I recently completed a musicblock collection thanks to a generous contribution from a friend.

Such generosity and friendliness is a staple of this world, and I can only hope that it lives on once Ur is no more.

Quick detour through Chakra Phool in order to reach Kloro, where my adventure will continue. More people, more places, more sights and sounds and...smells. The old, the new, and the unexpected, all waiting there for me to discover them. Well, I won't leave them waiting too long.
I begin my quest, boots laced tightly...
I am not an especially adventurous Glitch. I much prefer spending time in my garden or organizing my musicblocks. And yet...the giants have spoken, and they have told me I am not much longer for this world. Or that this world is not much longer for me, their voices are large and my ears are very small so it is sometimes difficult to make out details.

What matters, though, is that I have neglected so much of this world imagined up by the giants. Imagined for ME! Imagined for you! Imagined for Glitchen everywhere. And soon exploration will no longer be an option, neglected or otherwise.

That is why today...I have chosen to finally take that option. I intend to visit the furthest reaches of Ur, from every corner of it that I may find, and appreciate its beauty. If I am dedicated, and lucky, I may see it all before I, and it, are done.

Perhaps...I shall even find a safe haven. A bubble of memory the giants cannot forget. If even the ghosts of forgotten Glitchen can still remain...well.