

Roobrik Completist Loris earned the Roobrik Completist badge
a long time ago
Wannabe Fly Flycatcher Loris earned the Wannabe Fly Flycatcher badge
a long time ago
Firozi Completist Loris earned the Firozi Completist badge
a long time ago
Groddle Heights Completist Loris earned the Groddle Heights Completist badge
a long time ago
Ix Completist Loris earned the Ix Completist badge
a long time ago
Ilmenskie Caverns Completist Loris earned the Ilmenskie Caverns Completist badge
a long time ago

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A note!
Alas, my piggies,
you'll no more greet
with happy shiver,
and a "dude, sweet!"

Chicks Pertelote
and Chauntecleer,
no more your dulcet
sqawk I'll hear.

Giants keep you,
Trees, Rocks and Dirt,
Hugs! Shine on! I dug you, Erfs!

A note!
So she lay down on her back, and looked up at the sunset through the trees, and said, "If this isn't nice, what is?"