Kayaka Violin


Ann DramaDuh Ann DramaDuh added Kayaka Violin as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Even if glitch opens up again, we'll lose way more than a handful of glitchens who have deleted their accounts and moved on, or just abandoned their account, walked out the door and didn't look back. Its sad to know that glitch will never be the same again if it opens back up. And I wanted to say, even if I was an 'illegal player,' I enjoyed glitch and will miss it as much as any legal player will. I'm not your average 12 year old, I think differently. There's something about me that separates me from other teenagers my age, I could never specify what it was. Sure, I could make friends fine, but I always had a feeling that people looked at me differently...never found out what it was that marked me different. And I don't care, I'm proud of it. Love ya, glitch.

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Kayaka Violin

I know a couple 'illegal' players, and they were more mature than some of the players who were very high above the age limit. Age isn't the difference, it's a mixture of maturity and personality.

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Little Poundcake

Happy new year, Glitchen! May your year be filled with surprisingly high-value iMG quoins and stuck spinach buffs.

Kayaka Violin

How would you go about activating spinach in real life? You can either eat it or activate it, so eating does nothing. Do you step on it? I need to go test this now.


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That sounds like a stupid idea, really. Facing off against each other in what? GoC? Other races? That's killer versus people who have laggy computers and/or connections, which means you get what? 2 minutes? Wow, that's a lot of time to just get your ass handed to you by someone. You might as well say it's a free for all PvP at that rate. No, there's just one server, it can BARELY hold one player (as Little Poundcake stated before) which makes it barely playable. If you can imagine Glitch with 20x more lag with a bunch on people, that's what you'd get. No, I dislike this very much, it's lame.

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Kayaka Violin

Well, you're certainly a bundle of joy. Kidding. Kidding. The idea sounds fun, however... very illogical.

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How did you guys find it? I realized after an hour or so that it was kind of limited, though I wish I had a kid to craft some of the stuff IRL with.

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Kayaka Violin

It is pretty limited, only a few streets to go on and not much to do. Much more of a stress-relieving break for twenty minutes than the five-hour Glitch marathons. Interesting, nonetheless.

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It's a kid's game, but it's quickly growing on me. If anyone (or their child) is on Tinkatolli (tinkatolli.me), I'm klorohaoma. :)

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