

Piggy Nibbler BizzaroSmitty earned the Piggy Nibbler badge
a long time ago
Animal Kinship VII BizzaroSmitty finished learning the Animal Kinship VII skill
a long time ago
IxÆoN purchased BizzaroSmitty's auction of 1x Firefly Jar, for 300 currants.
a long time ago
So sorry purchased BizzaroSmitty's auction of 5x Rubeweed, for 999 currants.
a long time ago
Paula Piggy Plop purchased BizzaroSmitty's auction of 1x Firefly Jar, for 300 currants.
a long time ago
niftyspark purchased BizzaroSmitty's auction of 5x Rubeweed, for 999 currants.
a long time ago