Jennifer Walters


JHarris JHarris added Jennifer Walters as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Jennifer Walters' auction of 80x Zucchini, for 240 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Jennifer Walters' auction of 80x Zucchini, for 240 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Jennifer Walters' auction of 80x Zucchini, for 20 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Jennifer Walters' auction of 80x Zucchini, for 240 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Jennifer Walters' auction of 80x Zucchini, for 20 currants, has expired.
a long time ago


Welcome to my street!
Like, even if it wasn't totally awesome for you to make yourself at home before the unfortunate news, of course you are welcome to do as you please now. Harvest, plant, whatever. Knock yourself out!