

Status update

i thought if i came back the day before they closed the accounts then something would happen and we would be able to go back to playing glitch but i guess its gone forever bye guys :(

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Status update

I am still hanging on i will not forget I am still a part of glitch and glitch is still a part of me I miss you all :(

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vannaboo01 joined
a long time ago
Status update

its all over and i missed it :( ........ goodbye friends :(

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  1. hersmalldream

    I still have a screenshot of it when there was a 30 second countdown or something. Everyone was frantically typing down "NO!" "PLEASE DON'T" or different forms of goodbyes. was awful. :(

The Doctor's Wife The Doctor's Wife added vannaboo01 as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Fine Friend vannaboo01 earned the Fine Friend badge
a long time ago