Lady Evenstar


Little Poundcake

Doing some solo mountaineering.

Lady Evenstar

Mountaineering sounds so fun! I love all the cooperative parts of the game.


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Lady Evenstar

Hi friends! <3 I found these Glitch-remembering projects recently and wanted to be sure everyone has a chance to see them while there's time to get in: and Also, a small collection of Notes from the End of Ur here:

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"So, when they let me out of the hospital, I picked up a magic marker at an office supply store, went down to the yacht club and drew Basco's logo onto the nose of our new Zodiac. This one was donated by the employees of a software company on Route 128. Then I went for a spin around the Harbor. On my way out of the club, I blew by a nice fifty-foot yacht that was going out for an afternoon cruise. All the well-dressed people grinned, pointed, raised their glasses. I smiled, gave them the finger, and throttled her up."