Otter Madness


Buckley ⚛ Buckley ⚛ added Otter Madness as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Status update
Otter Madness

Otter Madness signing out. It's been grand. So long, and thanks for all the Glitch!

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Flapmouse

    It was nice to meet a fellow otter fiend. And lover of atrocious puns. Happy travels!

Garrulous Prolixificator Otter Madness earned the Garrulous Prolixificator badge
a long time ago
Bordois Bordois added Otter Madness as a friend!
a long time ago


Millennium Hand and Shrimp!
Vimes! Foul Ole Ron came by, preceeded by his Smell who was in a bit of a hurry. Foul Ole Ron had no coherent reason for being on your property, though there was something about frogs. I tidied up the mess the best I could.