Fizzy Fuzzbottom


Fizzy Fuzzbottom joined
a long time ago
Fizzy Fuzzbottom joined
a long time ago
Fizzy Fuzzbottom's auction of 20x Yellow Crumb Flower Seed, for 740 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Fizzy Fuzzbottom's auction of 40x Butterfly Butter, for 200 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Fizzy Fuzzbottom's auction of 40x Butterfly Butter, for 200 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Fizzy Fuzzbottom's auction of 24x Purple Flower Seed, for 120 currants, has expired.
a long time ago


One moment DaemoninWhite was just standing here playing with a dusty stick and the next she was gone. Just a headstone in her place. The echoes of "I love Daemoninwhite" from a cavorting Stick echoing in my ears.
I Did it!
As I stand near the top of Roobrik at sunrise, both here and IRL, I have finished every land. That was my goal. I wanted to leave Glitch without having missed anything to see. Kukubee, your world is gorgeous and I'm so sad to see it go. Thank you for your fabulous imagination, your (and Tiny Speck's) funny names and comments from trees and animals. For the beautiful landscapes, the wonderful music (I saved the sound of the Conch, so it could be my ringtone. LOL) I've really come to love this place in such a short amount of time. Thank you to all of the fabulous Glitchen that I've met. I have never met anyone that isn't just the friendliest, nicest person. You've built a glorious world. I'll miss it.
6 more days
What in the world am I going to do with my time in 6 days? Go to work or something? Pssh. :)
Beautifully said.
That's beautiful, Camicami. After Glitch, we are all giants and we will all remember and will all imagine. Thanks. :) To you, and to Tiny Speck.
Maybe the Aztecs were right...
Only one more week until the end of the world. :(