

Bortola Completist DennyKozlov earned the Bortola Completist badge
a long time ago
Tamila Completist DennyKozlov earned the Tamila Completist badge
a long time ago
Leapist DennyKozlov earned the Leapist badge
a long time ago
Folivoria Completist DennyKozlov earned the Folivoria Completist badge
a long time ago
Tahli Completist DennyKozlov earned the Tahli Completist badge
a long time ago
Rasana Completist DennyKozlov earned the Rasana Completist badge
a long time ago


Doggerel, birdderel, invite to share
Spring is sprung,
The grass iz riz,
I wonder where the birdies iz

Birdie birdie in the sky,
Why'd you do that in my eye?
Boy I'm glad that cows don't fly!
(But watch out for them batterflies!)

One flew over the cookoo's nest,
Mr. Denny Kozlov

(Oh yeah, if you see stuff on the ground, help yourself -- if you pick crops/herbs, please replant. Pleeze and thankee.)