

Little Poundcake

Same area, just shifted over to the right a bit.


*agrees wholeheartedly with PopRocks*


Little Poundcake

This would've made a nice Zilloween unlockable.

Little Poundcake

Tee-hee, I'm in jail.

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Status update

*sings* Born to hand jive baby... *does the hand jive*

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It's been a week - one week since Glitch ended. :(

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Status update

It feels longer than a week, doesn't it? It's been a long, sad week. :(

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I don't even know what the hell I'm doing. I can't bring myself to close the damned browser window, even though I'm frozen and can't move, because I think that would be really letting go.


I actually uttered a sad, "Oh" when I realized I would be able to see the last snaps from the game. I love that you still have your browser window open SeerQueen. Chrome crashed on me on the Monday morning after the close and it was sad knowing that I wouldn't be able to stand there blinking any longer. I think it's quite lovely that you are able to hold on to the last tendrils of Glitchy-ness a little bit longer. :)



Love your love of bacon room!! :)
Awww - thank you for sharing these, TS. I love getting the 'inside view' on these sorts of things. Very sweet and bittersweet. <3
To sleep, perchance to Dream...
I fell in love with Ur. I didn't expect to. I logged in, thought it was cute, logged in later...and thus began my relatively short Glitchy life.

I never would have expected to find myself crying all of these tears over a game that I had only spent three weeks playing...but here I am, mourning. Mourning what I won't do again, mourning what I will not get to do, mourning the friendships that will not be made, mourning the friendships that have been made.

This is a beautiful game with beautiful people.

Thank you to all of TS and Stoot for making such a gorgeous world and sharing it with me and all of us.

...and to all, a good night.

I did...
I saw your note, Linea.

Just wanted to let you know that someone did set foot here after you did. :)

Much love to all the Glitchen!