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I hope you remember that nickname that LoveIsEvol gave you :P anyways, i have spent almost ALL my credits. but, REALLY, there is no point is using credits. you cant show it off in the game.... your awesome new clothes you get from awesome new credits! fresh credits! :T we need another game of glitch made by a different person but it is EXACTLY the same game as Tinyspeck`s version. That would make me feel alot better. D=

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hey, Taco assassin? remember that party we went to that the guy who created glitch came to? :D that was really fun.

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really, if the WEBSITE isnt closed down yet, why the game?

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:( goodbye glitch! I miss you! arent they shutting down because they didnt have enough customers?? less players than they need? because thats a pretty STUPID reason! D:

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HotDogWarrior joined
a long time ago
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^0^ I just converted myself into an Afro party guy. I miss Glitch T.T

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