

Status update

Hugs everyone and enjoy whatever you are doing! :)

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i am gonna miss you guys i moved to a game called deepworld hope to see you there or somewhere else!

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Once the Win version will be out, I'll try that one myself :) Hope to meet ya there!

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Status update

oh my! I really want to see that one happened! :D Patriarch of Mab. Damn. I need that temple :) And it would also make some sense to level up to 60, finally, hehe.

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Man, if I thought this place was quiet after the game ended, it's gone positively graveyard-esque since the new year. I feel like there are about 5 of us haunting these pages....

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Status update

alot lurkers here :) but some of players already got deleted?! :/

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  1. Wynella

    I think players are deleting themselves. It's not TS's doing.

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Voluptua Sneezelips

Sentence of the day (I don't know whether I'm more disturbed at the number of acronyms we use at work, or that I understand what this all means without giving it a second thought.): The EPR was approved under the TPAP in May and the RFQ for the LRT DBFOM closed in November.

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sound as a science to me. RFQ can be request for quotation(s), but the rest? EPR sounds as medicine term to me :D Google suggests "enviremental project requirements" - whatever that means, hehe. I still side medicine term for unknown reason :D

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