Tusky Maiknutter


Pastora Pastora added Tusky Maiknutter as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Master Gardener Tusky Maiknutter finished learning the Master Gardener skill
a long time ago
Lyxdeslic purchased Tusky Maiknutter's auction of 1x Musicblock XS-4, for 575 currants.
a long time ago
Sumi purchased Tusky Maiknutter's auction of 80x Corn, for 320 currants.
a long time ago
Lazy Cubimal purchased Tusky Maiknutter's auction of 1x Musicblock DG-2, for 289 currants.
a long time ago
Lazy Cubimal purchased Tusky Maiknutter's auction of 1x Musicblock DG-2, for 289 currants.
a long time ago


I swear I saw something in the basement. Did some Glitch die here? Does anyone know the terrible truth about the tower?