PittyPat is sad's Snaps

tsk tsk
Wake up and say goodbye, Sunny!
Started as pals and end as pals.
Why am I up in the tree?
Last day is here... *cry *sob *sniffle
2 days before the end of the world. Signed:PittyPat is sad.
Flying kitties, what next! :)
I love my bird's eye view of the sunset!
Wow, who knew they floated!
Teeny Teena!
Me big, you little
The butterflies love Diablo
pssst, psst, pssst. Got a deal fer ya, girly.
The colors match a bit better even though the styles don't.
It's amazing how tall the darn thing is!
Higher and higher!
My tower with a third floor.
He was obnoxious one time too often.
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