Where's Bruce?
How do you manage to smile and take a snap at the same time?
12 years ago
Kaelyn Renai
Put fingers over '3', 'C' and 'Enter' and the same time. Then you just hit the keys, in that order, quickly. The difficult part was timing the sparkle powder. Snap too early and you just have a jar over your head, snap too late and you miss the whole thing.
12 years ago
Kaelyn Renai
What I'd like to figure out is how to take a snap while jumping. By the time I get hit 'c' and 'enter' I'm snapping the empty space where I'd just been.
12 years ago
The trick to jumping in a snap is to be zoomed out a bit. If you are zoomed in too much, the camera catches you in a strange place, or only half on the screen. Then the same method as yours: space, 'c', enter.
12 years ago
Now if only I can figure out how to snap while looking asleep/afk.
12 years ago
Kaelyn Renai Kaelyn Renai snapped this
at 12:07pm on August 29, 2012
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