Edelsteinschürfer's Snaps

...and my new Homestreet.
My old Homestreet...
Lem, from all Giants you were my favorite one. And this place was...
I gonna miss you.
... Never forget the eyes of this pigs (second from left)...
Almost forgot this feeling of wonder.
Almost forgot this feeling of comfort.
Almost forgot this feeling of stillness.
Help! Zombiechickens chasing me! Witnesses report: They croaked...
Now I'm on the other side, you stupid bartender! Stop ignoring me!!!
Who are you talking to? I'm here! Not there!
Let's buy a ticket to... wait?! Somethings wrong with that button!
Yeah, I've found my glasses again! Even if they aren't remain...
Oh dear! The storm last night has torn the wall, scattered my...
LOOk! That's my new glasses!