Status update
Marky Thirteen

is putting the following Glitchen in my game (in no particular order): Acro, !$harrump$!, Flush, Echo, Violet, Theramina Lute, snygyst, bitmOO, Josiah Thimblerig, Cleo13, Cleops, Saraphim, Rutger, Stoot, Kukubee and Little Poundcake. Anyone else wanna be a face in the crowd?

10 replies

Status update
2 replies
  1. Marky Thirteen

    I'm making a small platform game, based After The End Of The World. Details at

  2. Marky Thirteen

    your sprite sheets have been downloaded, awaiting insertion :D

Status update
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Status update
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Status update
Marky Thirteen

Right. STOP STOP STOP This needs to be more manageable.... So I am going to stop this right now. I am going to issue a revised list, and then i'll tell you whats gonna happen

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