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Can devs keep the website open forever? Or does that even cost too much?

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Actually I was thinking... Why can't we make the glitch site a forum of sorts?

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2 replies
  1. OMG BACON!!

    NEW APP IDEA!! *ding ding* Glitch Global Chat :D

  2. Keeda

    Ooh, I agree. Keeping up only the forum would be great!

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I was wondering the same thing this morning!! If there's no game content, just the forums and the encyclopedia, that would be considerably easier hosting. We might have to give up most of the wardrobe and vanity options, but I'd be okay with that.

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I posted something on the ideas forum linking back to this. :D

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Sure would be nice to be able to have the forums and especially the Encyclopedia -- I'd love to be able to go back and see the badges and denizens and foodstuffs, etc. etc. etc.

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I'm sure a forum with this sort of size community could attract enough advertisers to make it feasible to keep open.

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