Status update
Pickle Bob

Any other SongPop, Draw Something (apps) Kingdom of Loathing, or Nation States players anywhere???????

12 replies

12 replies
  1. Carl Projectorinski

    Carl Bongosok on KoL, though I'm not sure if I'm gonna play it a whole lot. And, as you probably already know, Dominion of Agni Abys on Nation States!

  2. Pickle Bob

    Thank you all for replying!!!!!!! This is about the most replies I've ever gotten to an update! (Especially about these games :D)

  3. FortAngel

    I'm on Nation States. People's Republic of Kieheman Course.

  4. Frogger The Mad

    Frogger The Mad on KOL, haven't gotten to Nation States yet, but I'll be Frogger The Mad (or as close as I can get ) when I do get to it. Do you know about Farewell Transmission Clan in KOL? Lots of Glitchen there, and very helpful and friendly!

    1 reply

in reply to

Status update

Kronos Rats on Draw Something! :D

2 replies

Status update

do you need any special software for draw something?? I don't have a phone which is usually required for apps, right? Draw something sounds like...something I'd be interested in.

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Pickle Bob

    Draw something does need an apple (or maybe other) touch screen phone. You draw pics and others guess them as you buy colors, gather coins, and grow streaks!

    1 reply

  2. Ganesha Xi in SL

    You need an iPhone or an Android phone with a touch screen. You then download the app.

Status update
Pickle Bob

I started a game with Kronos Rats and it started with Kronos G. Is that you? While we're on the app subject who has a Game Center account?

1 reply

1 reply
  1. OMG BACON!!

    1.) I think so, when did you start the game with me? Because I recently changed my name to Kronos Rats Glitch on FB and my account is hooked up with it. What your user? 2.) Yup, I'm Magolord (with an american flag emoji icon at the end) If you don't have the little widgets, I can just add you if ya want. :)

    1 reply