Status update
Pickle Bob

Any other SongPop, Draw Something (apps) Kingdom of Loathing, or Nation States players anywhere???????

12 replies

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  1. Pickle Bob

    Pickle Bob on KoL and The Kingdom of Picklandia on Nation states :D

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  1. Minkey

    do you need any special software for draw something?? I don't have a phone which is usually required for apps, right? Draw something sounds like...something I'd be interested in.

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  2. Pickle Bob

    I started a game with Kronos Rats and it started with Kronos G. Is that you? While we're on the app subject who has a Game Center account?

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Status update
Carl Projectorinski

Carl Bongosok on KoL, though I'm not sure if I'm gonna play it a whole lot. And, as you probably already know, Dominion of Agni Abys on Nation States!

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  1. Myrrah

    Myrrah is a Pastamancer in KoL. Just made me a "bitchin' meatcar".

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Status update
Pickle Bob

Thank you all for replying!!!!!!! This is about the most replies I've ever gotten to an update! (Especially about these games :D)

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Status update

I'm on Nation States. People's Republic of Kieheman Course.

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Status update
Frogger The Mad

Frogger The Mad on KOL, haven't gotten to Nation States yet, but I'll be Frogger The Mad (or as close as I can get ) when I do get to it. Do you know about Farewell Transmission Clan in KOL? Lots of Glitchen there, and very helpful and friendly!

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