Status update

Woah. @Piece of Serenity: That particular (out of context) quote you have, is Eleanor's *partial* response to Osiris X's remark of: "Apparently you have not been playing Glitch for very long. There are very many penises, among other genitalia, somewhat subtly placed in the artwork. One of the artists is quite fond of drawing them. It's a bit of a running joke between players and devs. If that sort of thing offends you, then this is not the game for you." Read both of those replies again. Frankly, the only "condescension" I see would be Ox's comment. :/

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Piece of Serenity

    If you follow the thread it will make sense. And we obviously see different things.

    1 reply

  2. Osiris χ

    Look I was just stating my own opinion from my point of view. I think people need to unwind and enjoy this instead of snapping at eachother. It's not preposterous anymore. It's just gotten downright ridiculous.

    2 replies

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Status update
Piece of Serenity

If you follow the thread it will make sense. And we obviously see different things.

1 reply