Status update

Got stuck in the snow today less than a mile from my house and had to call a tow-truck to pull me out...I hate snow. grrrrr.

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Status update
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  1. KitchWitch

    Thanks hon, me too! Home safe and sound, but another big storm on the way tomorrow night...ho ho hum!

Status update
Cat A. Tonic

Oh no! Glad you were able to get a tow-truck and get home!

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1 reply
  1. KitchWitch

    Yup, me too thanks! We don't have cell-phone service in our area, so I had to walk a ways until I could get a single faint bar to call home and tell mom "Stuck!" before the signal cut Thankfully she understood what I meant and knew where to come looking for me. :) This is after SHE got stuck a couple days ago driving back from town and had to flag some guy down to pull her out cuz she couldn't get a signal...winter fun! *sigh*

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