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I just signed up to keep track of this as a new game possibility. FAQ said it all for me.

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Princess Fi

JW this looks like it could be really fun! Thanks :-)

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Strangely, this makes me homesick for FaunaSphere.

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  1. JW

    I haven't lost that feeling yet. My fauna are still happy in the final sphere design I made for them to party and play in. I liked Glitch for the friends I managed to keep here. I loved FS!

Status update

thanks! I signed up for the newsletter too

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Looks like it could be interesting. Thanks!

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Talia True

I have one thing to say about this game you've found- thank you thank you thank you x

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Thanks!! Also signed up. Looks like a potential new home!

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I signed up, too! Thanks, JW! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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I'm in! Looks like a real possibility. Thanks, JW!

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Status update

Can somebody explain to me: What is receiving email in HTML format? How is it different from regular email? Thanks =)

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1 reply
  1. shhexy corin

    Email can be HTML or plain text. Most email is HTML these days. If there is any sort of formatting of text (e.g. different font sizes, colours, bold, italic, etc), or if there are images, backgrounds, borders, etc, then it's an HTML email

    1 reply