Status update
Papa Legba

I've been looking for a replacement for Glitch, like everyone else, I've been playing KoL which is fun but I can only play for maybe a half an hour a day due to the adventure system (currently in hardcore and a boozetefarian so my adventures are sorely limited). Playing miramagia but it's kind of lame so I won't be on it for long. There is nothing like Glitch :( I guess I'll have to experience the real world, make art and go to the gym. Those are my RL escapes.

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Status update
Carl Projectorinski

Do you have a place where you share you art? I'd very much like to keep in touch that way, if you do.

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Status update
Osiris χ

Bollocks. The real world is bollocks. Unless you're talking about the show. That show is awesome XP.

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Status update

yea... same here... I'm trying to bring some Glitch into RL. Just found a hand chair for sale online.. no joke.. gonna call about it tomorrow. hahaaaaa How could I pass that up? Papa, do you have a website or a Tumblr for your art?

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