Status update
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  1. Minkey

    Oh, I like your name!! Does it include biscuits or cookies or maybe some lemon tarts? I represent the large-toed "citizens" of Minkeyglitchvania. see what I did there? We are located in the Glitch region which is adorable, naturally :)

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Status update

Oh, I like your name!! Does it include biscuits or cookies or maybe some lemon tarts? I represent the large-toed "citizens" of Minkeyglitchvania. see what I did there? We are located in the Glitch region which is adorable, naturally :)

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Status update
Spaghetti Thompson

Our currency is the Crumpet. We are your neighbor in the Glitch region! I shall send an ambassador at once - you might recognize him by the top hat and fine china. :)

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1 reply
  1. Minkey

    lol!! would I also recognize him by the spot of PG Tips on his cuff? why are his cuffs so frilly anyway? our national critter is the mink, who helped our be-toe-stubbed (please pronounce stubbed with two syllables, thank you) founder find her way, so it has been told.

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