Status update
Spaghetti Thompson

Our currency is the Crumpet. We are your neighbor in the Glitch region! I shall send an ambassador at once - you might recognize him by the top hat and fine china. :)

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Minkey

    lol!! would I also recognize him by the spot of PG Tips on his cuff? why are his cuffs so frilly anyway? our national critter is the mink, who helped our be-toe-stubbed (please pronounce stubbed with two syllables, thank you) founder find her way, so it has been told.

    1 reply

in reply to

Status update

lol!! would I also recognize him by the spot of PG Tips on his cuff? why are his cuffs so frilly anyway? our national critter is the mink, who helped our be-toe-stubbed (please pronounce stubbed with two syllables, thank you) founder find her way, so it has been told.

1 reply

Status update
Spaghetti Thompson

Well, we sent a woman, distinguished diplomat Iris H. Breakfast. She still will be wearing a top hat, as that is the custom of our people. Huzzah for the mink! Our Kettlebird has no such distinguished origin story, but sings each afternoon 'round teatime, and as such was an obvious choice for state animalian mascotry. Regards, S. Thompson, Earl of Grey PS: The frilly cuffs are for crumb-catching. Politeness!

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Minkey

    exactly what I needed after four hours of statistics class!!!! bravo and thank you!!!