Status update
Carl Projectorinski

My ultimate goal, though, is to give everyone a springboard and framework to tell their own stories and OWN THEM. By posting to the site, you explicitly agree to the same licensing rules as everyone else, and to encourage collaboration its gotta be fairly wide open. But in case someone creates a trademarkable character that they'd like to use for profit... Well, I'd like to protect everyone as best I can, but there's going to be a certain amount of risk for everyone. So it will probably be best to treat this like an MMO for the most part. So, there's going to have to be a well worded and prominent disclaimer as well!

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Minkey

    I own the world and everyone! Am I right? I think it sounds awesome.

    1 reply

  2. kastlin

    Hey! Have you looked at how these folks handle it? The storyline tidbits are often written by players.

    3 replies

in reply to

Status update

I own the world and everyone! Am I right? I think it sounds awesome.

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Status update
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