Status update

Well, I am going to make a small Glitch shrine in my favourite room - Buntybot, MusicBox, a Magic Rock my grandson made, my harriette doll - and i really believe the whole ensemble will be completed by a Giant dice (die) - and this will serve as a reminder to always keep the memory of Glitch with me IRL - to be kinder, to jump higher and oftener, to scratch my butt and rock on my heels, to say yes to parties instead of no, to give bags and emblems to people for no reason, to cook with bat guano, and pet trees. I am a better person After Glitch and I thank you all so much :)

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1 reply
  1. Shmoopie Kerfuffle

    This is beautiful, harriette...very touching...tell Elphen hi for me, please.

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Status update
Shmoopie Kerfuffle

This is beautiful, harriette...very touching...tell Elphen hi for me, please.

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