Status update

Hey guys, I'm thinking about changing my name back to Kronos Rats. Whatt'dya think? (stoot barfield jr. is an option too...)

5 replies

5 replies
  1. Apsd1109

    Kronos Rats PLZ : D. however, i still like OMG BACON!!!

  2. Fernstream

    Ooh, please go back to Kronos Rats :D That was and still is one of my favorite names.

  3. Hen vla Ham

    I always liked kronos rats - perhaps with an added: (SB jr.)?

  4. kastlin

    Dear Giants!! I'd forgotten what your name used to be!!!! I think you should do whatever you like, whatever amuses you most.

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Status update
Hen vla Ham

I always liked kronos rats - perhaps with an added: (SB jr.)?

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