Status update

The forums and maybe the whole site are going to close soon, not "soon". "The website and forums will remain available until the end of the year." - Announcement

3 replies

3 replies
  1. Lemo

    Hmm I suppose they would have already posted some actual countdown if that was the case. Also Little Poundcake said she was working on stuff for the encyclopedia, keeping it open forever and other stuff

    1 reply

  2. Little Poundcake

    We're all taking a little bit of time off and haven't even discussed the process of taking stuff down, let alone what we'll do and when we'll do it, so you have more than 4 days. :) We're not going to start working in earnest again until the new year. We will make a new post in the forums to announce when things will be taken offline when we figure that stuff out!

    17 replies

in reply to

Status update

They might yet revise that decision.

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Status update

If they might, they're cutting it pretty close. Don't you think we'd have gotten some wind of it by now?

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1 reply
  1. NightDraconis

    LP said they were discussing it- let's hope they'll give us a Recurse miracle.

    1 reply