Status update
Flowerry Pott

Although our moments left in Ur are finite and few, I find that I'm less sad than I feared. I am mostly grateful for everything that it was and how it will remain in my memory. So, my thanks to all the Glitchen who shared the world together and made it such a unique and happy place. My thanks to all the trees: the profuse blossoms of the Fruit Tree and the beautiful deep red of the Spice Plant. My thanks to all the crops and herbs growing so abundantly in the sunshine. My thanks to all the animals: the dancing chickens who always made me smile; the piggies who I love with a deep and abiding love. Especially Ilmenskie Jones, the dreamiest piggy of them all. Mostly I thank all those at Tiny Speck, both past and present. Thank you for sharing this world with us. I hope you were surprised and gratified by the many things we created in it. Here is my promise to everyone: I will *never* ever forget this feeling of wonder.

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