Status update

I logged in earlier but logged out after a few minutes. I have no stomach for the game at the moment, in fact my stomach feels as though it is hollow. Hopefully I'll get back tomorrow for the serious business of downloads, screenshots and videos, and I'll need your help. But not now, too soon.

5 replies

5 replies
  1. g33kgurrl

    ((( snygyst ))) Please let me know what I can do. I will be away for a week, but will dance with the snow faeries as the trumpets blast during the last two weeks of Imagining.

  2. welshcorgi

    Yep, I feel your pain :( :( Will look for you and see what I might contribute.

  3. Sondi

    I know how you feel... I'm at work and wondering if I "rip off the band-aid" so to speak and just... stop, or keep playing until the very last moment I can...

  4. Lurell

    I hear ya sny. A million thoughts and yet no words. I can't make myself enter the world today either.

in reply to

Status update

I know how you feel... I'm at work and wondering if I "rip off the band-aid" so to speak and just... stop, or keep playing until the very last moment I can...

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