Status update
Miss Coco

All the snaps I took the last week, and what did I forget to download a full snap of? My own house. *cries*

3 replies

3 replies
  1. Bluebunny

    I could've sworn I took a snap of the houtside of my house but it's not there :(

    2 replies

  2. Wife of ToeLivz

    I didn't even know that I could zoom out so that I could take a full pic of my house :( I am sad that I didn't do that ~ I LOVED my house & how I had decorated it ... so I'm right there with ya (*sniff sniff)

    1 reply

in reply to

Status update

There are some snaps of your house:

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Status update
Miss Coco

Thanks, Gohawk! Those definitely help, though sadly, no snaps of my roof garden upstairs that I had just finished. That'll teach me to procrastinate!

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Harvey Donnager

    You had a garden upstairs?!? Inside your house? How cool!

    1 reply