Status update

Sorry, its just that I haven't been happy for a loooooong time. Where is everyone? Cheese danish king? ShadowCat? Pollen? The Sunset? Stoot? Hello? Where are my friends? D: Don't fade away

12 replies

12 replies
  1. Kayaka Violin

    The Sunset actually deleted her account a few days prior to The End. She said she needed to be able to get more work done, and deleted it to remove the temptation.

    1 reply

  2. Lilypad

    Aw! Donut be sad. Pollen is on Facebook sometimes.

  3. Kamer

    I'm not any of those people, but I'm still here, checking in from time to time

    1 reply

  4. Krillex

    Like Kamer, I'm not anyone you named, but I am still checking in. I wish we had somewhere to go.

    1 reply

  5. Emblemofrook

    The Sunset deleted her account, but then restored it (don't ask me how) to play a little before the end. So she SHOULD still be hanging around here somewhere

    2 replies

  6. Sad Pollen

    I check everyday! Hope to see you guys soon!

  7. OMG BACON!!

    Sorry, I would put everyone I know, but y'know...max character limit. Can I just put, "I miss [insert every friends name here]!"?

    3 replies

in reply to

Status update

The Sunset deleted her account, but then restored it (don't ask me how) to play a little before the end. So she SHOULD still be hanging around here somewhere

2 replies

Status update
Kayaka Violin

I think she was talking about asking staff to restore it or something of the like, but I didn't know if she actually did it or not.

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