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I like cunning plans...count me in. *dresses in her cat burglar suit and makes ready*

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Why does this make me afraid? You know, in the same way I feel afraid when my hubby says "I've been thinking..."

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Carl Projectorinski

It's gonna take a little while to set up properly. It's not going to be a game. It could be a total fizzle. But... Yes, everyone's invited. In time. I've done a bunch of world building in the past 20 or so years, and it's time I start polishing it off in public. But, I don't have a heck of a lot of time to do it, so I'm making the rules simple. It's gonna be based on a game call 1,000 Blank White Cards. More later: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1000_...

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Mocha Maid

I can find you a turnip or two - Baldrick might be more difficult!

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So many Black Adder fans.... I'm so impressed that I'll do my best Hitler/slug-balancing impression for all of you.

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I shall desist from making a pinky and brain joke, because I can see this is serious.

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  1. Carl Projectorinski

    Nothing is so serious that you can't make jokes around or about me! (well, sometimes things are that serious, but that usually when I need to go see a therapist or ask my parents for money)

  2. Carl Projectorinski

    Also, this might go about as well as one of the Brain's schemes.

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gilbert whisper

I simply ADORE cunning plans! *Bounces in chair in anticipation of the cunningness*

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Will glitchmail you my contact info because I like cunning plans.

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  1. Carl Projectorinski

    OK, so here's the idea as it has shaped up now: Put up a wiki or a forum or some kind of similar site with user accounts and personal pages that are easily linked to the pages of others. Start putting all of my own world details into it, and call it "Stuck in Jam" after the comic. Part of the idea of "Stuck in Jam" is that reality in the town of Jam is shaped by the people who live in it. And even though in the comic there is a specific collective mythos that is shaped by the characters we are following, there is room for parallel myths and legends. The result is that the houses, backyards and nearby woods of each resident may hold any sort of thing imagined by that family (it does take a collective force of belief, unless there's a child involved, then the child tends to generate amazing things on their own -- imaginary friends, etc.). There's more, but I'll fill that in later. Anyway, this leads to the possibility of a rather fun table top role playing game (I was wrong about it not being a game!). I've even got ideas for how the system will work. So, in conclusion, I'd like to be able to post some stuff under regular copyright, and some stuff under Creative Commons, and then invite my friends (you guys!) to join in if you like. For the most part, it will just be an exercise of collective art and writing. But the added development of game mechanics could give math geeks something to do, and it could lead to all of the logic and assets we'd need to hand to a team of programmers... Sometime down the road, of course.

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Virginia Moon

As cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University?

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