
Category: Other


All files are provided by Tiny Speck under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal License. This is a broadly permissive "No Rights Reserved" license — you may do what you please with what we've provided. Our intention is to dedicate these works to the public domain and make them freely available to all, without restriction. See our Licensing page for full details.


State Filesize Dimensions Frame Dimensions # of Frames Loops
fly-angle1 42.77 KB 840x195 70x65 34 yes
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rest-angle2 3.21 KB 700x65 70x65 10 yes
rest-top 34.61 KB 980x195 70x65 42 yes

Static Images

State Filesize Dimensions
rest-rooked 1.94 KB 70x65
Image Dimensions Filesize
138x138 257.78 KB
50x51 47.92 KB

What the Butterfly Saw


OMG. You remember that global ice-storm thing? When all the bubble trees got like totally frozened-up? And people started that major icebubble fight? But the bubbles were the size of everyone's heads and as hard as, like, rock? And then it got like rilly tragic rilly quickly?

What the Butterfly Saw