Lotha Harte

Region: Nottis


A Toy Vendor., A shrine dedicated to Cosma., and Plus 8 Ice Nubbins, 1 Wood Tree, 1 Bubble Tree, and 1 Sparkly Rock for mining.


Puzzle #3: An AdvendtURe

TO ENTER THE PUZZLE CONTEST: Mail this note, together with your answer and a brief explanation of how you arrived at your answer, to Alw? Sunny no later than noon game time on the 3rd of Root. One entry per Glitch is allowed.

GIVE UP? Mail this note, with a message reading "UNSOLVED", to Alw? Sunny for a full refund.

For further details, including prizes and the leaderboard, visit the puzzle room in Alw? Sunny's tower.

Thanks for playing!
Goodbye, goodbye...
I will miss you, Ur!
A note!
I just found this place. Alas, nothing gold can stay.
Rumi - This We Have Now
This We Have Now

This we have now
is not imagination.

This is not
grief or joy.

Not a judging state,
or an elation,
or sadness.

Those come and go.

This is the presence
that doesn't.

-attributed to Rumi
Goodbye Glitch
I never wrote any notes during my time here. This is my first and last. I don't really want to live in a world that doesn't have a place for Glitch, but I guess we don't have any choice.

Glitch was my happy place. I would tell my friends it was the only ever game that called itself relaxing and actually was. People were kind to each other even though there wasn't really much incentive to be. Everyone I met showered me with kindness I was never able to properly repay. Thank each and every one of you. You will always live in my fondest memories.

Now I'm leaving this in my favorite place in the game, here at the end of the world, as I log off for the last time. Goodbye, Glitch. I'll love you always!
To Ur
I love you Ur, thank you for giving me a place to dream among friends, I cannot say goodbye, so I will say goodnight in the hope you will, one day, remember me. I will never forget you. Beyond these tears I cry I will remember the fun we shared for within my heart a tiny speck of imagination burns forever bright
Please leave my little Yeti here
He is waiting for Christmas in his natural habitat!
So Long
?Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.? J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
Goodnight and Farewell
Goodnight, to every little hour that you sleep tight May it hold you through the winter of a long night And keep you from the loneliness of yourself Heart strung is your heart frayed and empty Cause it's hard luck, when no one understands your love It's unsung, and I say Goodnight, my love, to every hour in every day Goodnight, always, to all thats pure that's in your heart Goodnight, may your dreams be so happy and your Head lite with the wishes of a sandman and a night light Be careful not to let the bedbugs sleep tight nestled in your covers The sun shines but I don't A silver rain will wash away And you can't tell, it's just as well Goodnight, my love, to every hour in every day Goodnight, always, to all that's pure that's in your heart - Smashing Pumpkins
This is it.
This is the final note I'm going to write. I have to leave now. I cannot stay for the end of world. I decided to make this cold, moonlit peak my final resting place. I just feel it's right. I said goodbye to Desmona Dr, my first home. I walked around my favourite places, said goodbye to my butler, magic rock, rube. I've freed what I can. So this is farewell. I am sad to see this beautiful world disappear. But not all dreams can last forever. Goodnight Ur. Goodnight Giants. I had fun. I really did.

I want to see how this all ends - wintermintgreen@gmail.com - email me your records of the end.

Bye. xxxxxxx
A wedding, a wedding!
My best Glitchmate and I got married here. I'm putting on my wedding dress, now, and hope that whoever has our vows took them because they loved them as much as we love each other. Goodbye, Lotha Harte. You're beautiful, even when you don't exist.
That Which Lasts
I cannot end my efforts here nor from my heart let joy be taken
This was my home; I will not remember it as any different
Its passage scars my heart but does not break it
Too valued are the things that I have gained

Far and few between are precious places
Better to have shared in brief beauty than turn to stone
Light falls even within the deepest shadows

When all is said and done a world is only so wide as the mind that percieves it
It fades but its impression is left upon me

In its name I strive, and recreate.
Goodbye, Glitch.
I once stood under this arch with my girlfriend, and somebody turned the heart light on. I still have the screenshot. Thank you for the memories. I will miss this place and I will miss the people.
A note!
do you realise that happiness makes you cry?
An Ode to Ur and Glitchen
The lands of Ur, they never were, And yet we knew them well. With steady beat, our many feet Touched cloud, touched grass, touched Hell. The firebog fen of Oulanka End, The greengrown Groddle groves, The towering trees of Adspice Lacrimis, Samudra's shimmering coves. With kindly hand, beasts of the land Were petted, milked, and squeezed No blood was spilled, no life was killed, And all were equal pleased. We sought to build, to grow more skilled, We planted, cooked, dug mines. Some goods we made we sought to trade, And surrendered some to shrines. But Ur now stands as Ancestral Lands -- Our time in it is brief No hidden coin could now enjoin More favor, more relief. It grows in power each passing hour, Our souls grow overwhelmed By love and loss; our eyes are glossed With tears for fading realms. The lands of Ur, they never were, But they shall never fade -- Here we sought Imagination; Here we were all of it made.