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pop99's Home Street | Locations | Glitch

pop99's Home Street

Owned by pop99


This street hasn't been cultivated yet!


pop99 hasn't added any neighbors!


Welcome to Glitch!
Hi pop99! You had to leave, but I just wanted to tell you about a few things that might help you on your journey through Ur :] - Live Help chat channel - where you can report bugs, problems and ask gameplay questions to the devs and guides. - There's a drop down menu at the top left corner, with lots of helpful links, including Wardrobe and Vanity (where you can change your appearance). Also, if you wish, you can add me as a friend by clicking on my name at the bottom of this note. Feel free to IM me whenever - I'll do my best to answer your questions or help you! Best wishes as you explore and experiment your way through Glitch! Have fun! Yours, mira gaia maia