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Jundaaz Waaz'Jort's Home Street | Locations | Glitch

Jundaaz Waaz'Jort's Home Street

Owned by Jundaaz Waaz'Jort


4 Crop Garden plots.



A Prayer to Pot!
<glug glug glug> We gi' thanksh to you, greatesht Pot Fo' de drinksh 'n de foodsh 'n de drinksh shome more <glug glug glug> We gi' songsh o' joyoush praishesh to you, greatesht Pot Fo' de friendsh new and old, who come to our door <glug glug glug> We gi' danshesh 'n pranshesh 'n shtumblingsh 'ome Fo' tomorrah we'll drinksh 'n den drinksh shome more! <glug glug thud>