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Larunya's Home Street | Locations | Glitch

Larunya's Home Street

Owned by Larunya


A Firefly Swarm, 3 Jellisac Growths, 3 Mortar Barnacles, 1 Peat Bog, 1 Dirt Pile, 1 Spice Plant, 1 Fruit Tree, 1 Gas Plant, 1 Wood Tree, 1 Egg Plant, 1 Sparkly Rock for mining, 1 Metal Rock for mining, 1 Dullite Rock for mining, and 8 Crop Garden plots.


So long, and thanks for all the fish.
I love the cooperation during the feats, how all these obviously shy, awkward, not-pushy people figure out how to work together to achieve something (absolutely preposterous) fun for everyone.

Loved knowing that at the end of the feat, there'd be New Stuff for everyone--new lands, new features.

I will miss this world based on cooperation, not competiton. I love the outpouring of support in these final days, as total strangers give each other beautiful and valuable things, just so everyone gets a chance to love a little bit more of Ur.
Thoughts on the end.
This is my first and maybe only MMO. I love the variety of things to do, the silliness, but most of all the cooperation.

Yesterday I realized it doesn't matter if you are level 3 or level 30, you still need a sizeable group of people to help you defeat the rook. You can't do it alone. The only difference is that when I encountered the rook my first day, I didn't know I was supposed to call for help. I thought I was on my own, that everyone was doing their own thing. But now I know we're all in this together.

That, more than anything else, made Glitch great.
Mystery Limmerick
There once was a game called Glitch
That ran into a death-knell of a hitch.
the players lamented
and the Rook was quite demented.
oh, if only there was a fix!
New lands
I love Samudra so much. The water and the light are just gorgeous together and it makes my heart break every time I'm here. It's almost like a Maxfield Parrish kind of land with the hypersaturated jewel-tones.

A note!
I love that although we know Glitch is ending (Sadz!), we keep being presented with new lands to explore. I love the sea, and Samudra is amazing. Enjoy the exploration! Thank you, Tiny Speck.
to wondrous world
I know you will be back, I believe!
in the dark corners of hopes
we used to play make believe.
we used to pretend that the rays of light passing from overhead holes
were signals that the world was almost done.
we'd sit and close our eyes tight,
scrunch up our imaginations in an effort to build a perfect paradise.
we used to fall asleep here, warm, curled up monochrome bodies,
dreaming of dappled light, of lanterned dark, of far-off stars
and toxic moons.
we used to be children, playing around in yellow fields in our shared dreams,
connected by our creative ambition.
the giants would smile on us, God dipping his fingers into
our colour splattered love, and weaving it into the empty spaces.
all we could ever say when we stepped into the realities
was thank you, over, and over, and over again.
Living in the Heart
As long as we remember, it can never be taken from us. When it is gone the space for it will remain.
Boxy Sister
c/o Smallworlds.com
Our Beautiful End
As our world shutters
The death throws of a land closing this chapter
We are but the figments of great imagination
Characters inhabiting a dream
All blessed slumber gives way to arise
Wakefulness brings the day anew
The Giants will one day sleep again
We will one day return from our beautiful end
A note!
And did our laughter, did our tears
have some purpose after all?
Did we toil in vain in hope
that wisdom came from what we'd done?
Even lands we once called home
lie undiscovered and unknown.
Only heaven's silence for an answer.
- VNV Nation, 'Genesis'
A note!
I never saw this place
As it should have been.
I never saw this place
Bustling with Glitchen.
I never saw this place
As more than a dream
Of what I could have seen.