Aziu's Home Street

Owned by Aziu


This street hasn't been cultivated yet!



This piglet will need approximately 3 spinaches to grow into a full pig. Make sure to keep him fed, else he'll die!
Milkin' a butterfly
These little caterpillars only require one plain bubble each, before they transform into milkable butterflies!

I have included 5 plain bubbles for their consumption.
This rainbow can be used to 'bestow' kindness to another user, which either results in a thank you, or you get bestowed with returned kindness. It gives a boost of mood or energy.

As far as the sapphire goes, it's shiny, blue, and well... a rock.
You can edit this post to add my street to it, for easy access.

Also, for your convenience, I have given you a key to my house. This will allow you to access it and the backyard.

Oh, when you visit my street, make sure you talk to my butler.