Sini Shake

Region: Tamila


An Animal Goods Vendor., A shrine dedicated to Alph., and Plus 1 Fruit Tree.

Unlocked by

mishu Joe Blow Piece of Serenity and 92 others

This location was unlocked 590 days ago.


Bye friends :) <3
I made something to remember Glitch by. You can see it at Please show all of your friends so that they can remember too!
Hey Hanjuna!
One of my best friends introuced me to this game a few months ago.

I had the most mind-blowing experience. And now I have read your note.

And I know how you feel, dude. I absolutely know how you feel.
A lost Glitchmas
This is where I used to live.
And I used to decorate my quarter the same way on Glitchmas.
So I decided to make a last Glitchmas decoration on Sini Shake.

I will miss you, Ur. And all you glitchens.
<3 Ancale
Bye Glitch
Even though nobody may see this, I thought it was appropriate to leave my farewell note on this street--when I first began playing Glitch, this is where I bought my first house.

Jujina (another Glitch player) introduced me to the game and I honestly didn't have any idea how much I would love it. I loved visiting all the streets, finding special hiding places, and seeing all the crazy things the creators came up with.

I have read so many beautiful goodbye notes tonight, and I feel very sad that it's ending but happy to be a part of it. I never understood how people became so attached and involved in an online community until I started playing this game.

I know there are a lot of goodbye notes, so if you are taking the time to read this, thank you so much.

Goodbye Glitch, you won't be forgotten.
Merry glitchmas!
MERRY GLITCHMAS!!!!!! I hope your days will be jolly and may the giants watch over you! Love it 'til the end!!!!
Why am I still here? I skipped the end of the world?