Lowland Slough

Region: Shimla Mirch


An Animal Goods Vendor., A shrine dedicated to Mab., and Plus 5 Mortar Barnacles, 1 Peat Bog, and 1 Paper Tree.

Unlocked by

SuperHappyFun Jade charliepark and 51 others

This location was unlocked 814 days ago.


I'll miss this place.

Someday we'll find it...
Thank you, Tiny Speck, greeters, guides, and all the Glitchen of Ur.

Life's like a movie, write your own ending...
Keep believing, keep pretending...
We've done just what we've set out to do,
Thanks to the lover, the dreamers, and YOU!

Ave atque vale
Farewell firebogs, and my true home street.
Full of Papery Goodness
Dear Parchment, Thank you for you kind words and for standing out as a beacon of knowledge in these mysterious but lovely boggy lands I was proud to call my home. How fitting you should offer up your "fruit" for me to write this tribute on... Glitch- I had a blast- so quirky, funny, absorbing, intriguing and above all harnessing the kindest, most altruisitc impulses of its denizens... a game unlike any other. I will miss you, Elfers x x x x x
A note!
bless this beautiful land
so long glitch...
Back to see the end.
I came back to have fun from 225 days. Yet now i see it ending horribly good bye to everyone.