Fairgower Lane

Region: Groddle Forest


An Alchemical Goods Vendor., A shrine dedicated to Zille., and Plus 1 Piggy, 1 Bean Tree, and 1 Bubble Tree.

Unlocked by

Flame mathy clare and 34 others

This location was unlocked 815 days ago.


Goodbye wonderful world. We will miss you.
I'm glad you're with me at The End of All Ur
I've gotten to do so many things! I just wish we had more time. There are so many more things I still want to do.
This game is amazing. I will miss it a lot.
THANK YOU to the people who first Imagined it, and THANK YOU to each person who added to it from your own bright, creative, terrifying, hilarious, and beautiful Imaginations.
Fair Fairgower Lane!
My first ever home street. Lovely treehouse, I will miss you.