Nandak Intention

Region: Ilmenskie Deeps


A Mining Vendor., A shrine dedicated to Zille., and Plus 4 Dullite Rocks for mining, 4 Beryl Rocks for mining, and 1 Sparkly Rock for mining.

Unlocked by

tweetypie JW ss and 45 others

This location was unlocked 628 days ago.


A note!
To have found this note is quite a feat.
Please do me a favor and visit my street!

I have piggies, chickens, butterflies of blue.
Trees, rocks and gardens too!

Right here is where you should leave this note,
So others can read what I wrote! :)
Bye bye :C
Glitch, you were super duper fun while you lasted. Love you!

Found 12/9/12 (EOTW)
4:48 pm EST Thank you.