Faereluth's Snaps

The bath house, b ut it feels like its missing something, any...
like fish outta water
Croppa Monster is on the go, Looking for Glitchen who wield a...
Bunny on the balcony, me n Joe are celebrating by standing on the...
And then we both had finished building ur towers :D
I got a better view of Joes tower by standing on sparkly rock
he really is isnt he!!!
why the sly old Rube, out to catch a fox I think
final floor - oh my
best friends
home to us is a cool place indeed
yeti daze
a carrot for a friend :D
Ride em cowboy!!! Joe tries out my newest art :D
Yee haw!!
Golden Seahorse, so i tidied up the shelves a little, (item...
golden seahorse - work in progress, oh for some shelves that...
Finally remembered to take a snapshot of tower work in progress, yay
Oh dear where's the janitor? Poor kevbob :'(
Mabfest floor, final version, but have I got it right?
Croppa Day/ Mabfest room, suggestions for customising boxes on...
Just a quick snap to show off my new tower, yeah it needs a...
such a pretty nonsense
Sit beneath the late day sun and dream of distant island home,...
Oh to howl beneath the moon, or dance among the stars, Here in Ur...
one step beyond
gravestone figurehead? Must be a pirate died there arrr!!
me n Joe skywalking
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