Pandora Kouti's Snaps

The power of rock levitation!
Just hanging out in the sky.
OMG FINALLY. Here, have a pumpkin pie, stoot. Best I can do until...
AUGH SO CLOSE. Just want some rhubarb pie. Spinach isn't helping....
Hey, where'd everybody go? Isn't this a party?
Rhoswen Jones would appreciate this.
You are not alone.
I didn't think I had Levitation yet ...
Ooh ooh can I ride on the pig?
And now a "ghost" joins us.
... and now that door says "lazy cubimal?"
So she was trying to get into the portal, but then her yoga frog...
I'm torn between Jal and Nottis as being my favorite lands. Look...
I love this area.
Hey PocketSand, the Rube is here for ya ...
I love me, I love me, I'm a happy Glitcheny?
Okay, since when do Glitchen get TVs and not just music boxes?!
whoa, a meteor!
Okay, so I'm still not sure if it was my amorous philtre that...
Looks ready to me!
So I has a balloon.
Shouldn't I be able to knock these ice stalactites off and have...
Walking on water.
So that's what a nubbin looks like.
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