elka's Snaps

Im gonna SCARE YOU Kehn MuuuuhahahahHAHAHAHHAHAHahA
I've been playing forever and I don't think I've succeeded with...
tiny magic eyes through the niiiiiight
geometric + neon brights = fashion XD
Seriously, this view, it's spectacular... <3
finally got my credits of the month so transformed my tower into...
rube and i "dealing" in "private" cough...
bjoo bjoo bjoo
uh oh, icicles bugged!!
looove this place! great people, lots of radiation, chit chat,...
My house is just a mess of things I collect right now as I don't...
changed my house around a bit tonight... <3
money, in the bottom of the sea... tching tching XD
bloop bloop bloop...
*nom nom nom* marshmellow clouds mmmmh <3
I FINALLY DID IT omgogmogmg... Patience. It takes LOTS of it. Ugh...
aww, fresh, crystal clear lake water... love this place!! <3
*hugs* oh my grand Grendaline <333
i will follow you anywhere...
her little courageous hands played the notes once again......
nothing can explain my gratitude towards the giants, for they...
and again, she played a song for me...
grendaline, let me bathe in your gold, warm, glowy imagination...
"la la LA laaa..."
and then she said "yes, we need to go down there"...
Tell me, how is this fair?! TELL ME, STOOT!!!!!!!! >:O rawr
hoo!! hell of a ride!!!! hell... get it????! lol
"this s*** better be good, Maurice... REAL goooood..."